Kenneth Erle Engel (Kentucky Ken) His Resumé...
I hope you will find the information you require on these pages to appreciate the good fortune that has been given to us in the Western Line Dance
Community in the "finding" of a true Country Western Icon .... a National Treasure, the Father of Country Western Line Dance Choreography as we know it.
(Kentucky) Ken Engel is the
originator of line and partner dances from the eary 70's and 80's which are still done in nightclubs and dance classes across the nation and the world at this time. You can download original
signed step sheets by clicking on the dance names.
Ken writes: I suppose my love for country music came naturally, being born and
raised in a small west Texas town called Sweetwater. The only music I listened to was country. Unfortnately counry dancing actually any type of dancing did not come naturally. I remember the first
dance I went to, I was seventeen and everyone was doing the two step and I was a total klutz. In 1962 there were no such animals as country dance instructors to teach me, but luckily there was one brave
girl that said come on I'll teach you. I learned and from that moment on nothing could stop me.
1974 found me in Phoenix Arizona I was working as a D.J. doing private parties and part time in
between band sets at Mr. Luckys which was a fairly new concept, spinning records on a pair of technic 1200 turn tables. This particular night a friend of the manager was suppose to come in and teach some
dancing to the customers, but he didn't show. The manager knew I could dance fairly well and asked me if I would do it. I said okay, but it's going to cost you a couple of shots and dinner he
said okay. I downed one shot and he made the announcement I looked at a floor full of people and asked them if they were nervous, they all yelled out yes I replied so am I. I down the second shot and
proceeded to teach the Cotton Eye Joe (also known as the bull shit dance), which if I recall correctly was the earliest equivalent of a country line dance.
From that time on I taught dancing at
Mr. Luckys until about 1977 when I moved on to Gilleys in South Pasadena Texas. Prior to that at about 1970 I used to notice all those girls dieing to dance and all those guys to chicken to ask or just
not knowing how. Then I thought there just has to be something for them to do. Why not dances they could do without a partner. That in turn started my career as a choreographer of line dances. At that
time line dances where not popular yet and in a lot of states unheard of.
Some of my favoite tunes back then which had special meanings to me where Bobby Bares, Bombed, Boozed, and Busted which
of course was the first song I taught the Texas Freeze to. And another was Waylon Jennings I've Always Been Crazy because it kept me from going insane. I was always told I was a crazy kind of guy. So
I guess "I've Always Been Crazy" was my song back then. But as far as all of my favorite tunes,the artists and songs are too numerous to mention. Going back aways any thing by the late
great Conway Twitty was always one of my favorites.
I can honestly say the titles and lyrics where not as important to me as the rhythm was. As for dancing, give me a quick up beat Two Step or
Western Swing any time. I can give you a few examples of my favorite Two Step and Western Swing songs - Dance With Who Brung You and House Of Blue Lights by Asleep At The Wheel, Guitars and Cadillacs by
Dwight Yokam, Red Necken Love Makin Nights by Conway Twitty, and Long Neck Bottles by Garth Brooks. As far as slow songs are concerned The Keeper Of The Stars by Tracy Byrd, which my lady Chickie and
I relate to our first meeting.
I hope I have answered all of your questions and if there is anything else you would like to know please don't hestitate to ask. Of course you may publish our
e-mail address we would love to hear from any one wanting to talk with us.
Ken Engel
Nachzulesen unter www.dorisvolz.com
Hier Ken’s eMail-Adresse - schreibt ihm ruhig aber bitte nur auf Englisch sonst versteht er Euch nicht.
Mail to: engel2@cox.net
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Linedance, Country, Western, Tanzen, Musik, Tanzbeschreibungen, Rezepte, kochen, lustig,
Counts, Wall, Amerika, Spass, Line, Dance, LineDance, Westerntanz, Choreogrphie, Kentucky Ken, Ken, Kenneth Engel, Squaredance, Square, Cowboy, Cowgirl, Beginner, Intermediate, Texas,
America, Titel, Lines, Kick, Country-Musik, Jägerheim, Jaegerheim, Aldenhoven, Dürboslar, Duerboslar, Funny, Dancer, Funny Dancer, Dancers, Red Bulls, Black Eagles, Jacky Dancers, zum
Jaegerheim, Training, Tanztraining, Freitag, 19:30 Uhr, Freitags, Schinken, Käse, Onelett, Schinken-Käse-Omelett, Lamm, Stew, Lamm Stew, Salzbraten, Chili, Donuts, Tomatensuppe, gespickte
Hasenkeule, Hasenkeule, Dirty Rice, Guacamole, Rumford, Rumford-Suppe, Hamburger, Amerikanischer Krautsalat, Krautsalat, Spinatsalat, Johnny-Cakes, Cakes, Dixie Green Beans and Bacon, Beans
and Bacon, Bacon, Beans, Dixie, Gumbo, Maisbrot, Cowboy-Coffee, Cowboy-Kaffee, Beschwipstes Grapefruitsorbet, Grapefruitsorbet, Sorbet, Schweinekoteletts Michigan, Schweinekoteletts,
Demotanz, Kentucky-Ken, Kentucky, Kenneth, Erle, Engel, Kenneth Engel, Ken, Dance-Floor-Ettiquette, Dance-Floor, Termine, Linedance-Geschichte, Top 10, Linedance Top 10, Kartoffelbrot,
Rothaut-Whiskey, Whiskey, Whisky, Rothaut, Party, Termine,"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Country - Line-Dance - Gemeinschaft, mit den lustigsten Koch -
Rezepten der Welt, eine kleine Studie über die Geschichte des Linedance und einigen Tanzbeschreibungen. Training Freitags ab 19:30 Uhr.">
<META NAME="content-language" CONTENT="Deutschland"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Sammy">
<META NAME="page-topic" CONTENT="Erholung & Freizeit; Vereine">
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<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Linedance, Country, Western, Tanzen, Musik, Tanzbeschreibungen, Rezepte, kochen, lustig, Counts, Wall, Amerika, Spass,
Line, Dance, LineDance, Westerntanz, Choreogrphie, Kentucky Ken, Ken, Kenneth Engel, Squaredance, Square, Cowboy, Cowgirl, Beginner, Intermediate, Texas, America, Titel, Lines, Kick, Country-Musik, Jägerheim,
Jaegerheim, Aldenhoven, Dürboslar, Duerboslar, Funny, Dancer, Funny Dancer, Dancers, Red Bulls, Black Eagles, Jacky Dancers, zum Jaegerheim, Training, Tanztraining, Freitag, 19:30 Uhr, Freitags, Schinken, Käse,
Onelett, Schinken-Käse-Omelett, Lamm, Stew, Lamm Stew, Salzbraten, Chili, Donuts, Tomatensuppe, gespickte Hasenkeule, Hasenkeule, Dirty Rice, Guacamole, Rumford, Rumford-Suppe, Hamburger, Amerikanischer Krautsalat,
Krautsalat, Spinatsalat, Johnny-Cakes, Cakes, Dixie Green Beans and Bacon, Beans and Bacon, Bacon, Beans, Dixie, Gumbo, Maisbrot, Cowboy-Coffee, Cowboy-Kaffee, Beschwipstes Grapefruitsorbet, Grapefruitsorbet,
Sorbet, Schweinekoteletts Michigan, Schweinekoteletts, Demotanz, Kentucky-Ken, Kentucky, Kenneth, Erle, Engel, Kenneth Engel, Ken, Dance-Floor-Ettiquette, Dance-Floor, Termine, Linedance-Geschichte, Top 10,
Linedance Top 10, Kartoffelbrot, Rothaut-Whiskey, Whiskey, Whisky, Rothaut, Party, Termine,"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Country - Line-Dance - Gemeinschaft, mit den lustigsten
Koch - Rezepten der Welt, eine kleine Studie über die Geschichte des Linedance und einigen Tanzbeschreibungen. Training Freitags ab 19:30 Uhr.">
<META NAME="content-language" CONTENT="Deutschland"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Sammy"> <META NAME="page-topic" CONTENT="Erholung &
Freizeit; Vereine">Gaby Neumann, Shake Again, Shanty Doodle, The Road Goes On, Michael C. Kent,